Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thankful November: Day 17

I'm thankful beginnings.

Starting something can be so hard. I am the queen of thinking, "On Monday, I will start eating healthy and working out." Monday rolls around -- nothing. Tuesday rolls around -- nothing. Next thing I know it's another weekend and I'm thinking about starting again on Monday. It's the cycle that has become my life for the last few years. The part that frustrates me the most is that I want it. I really do, but when it comes down to it, I'm really just afraid to start.

Two weeks ago, I decided I was starting. The mental ping-pong games needed to stop and I needed to get serious. So far -- it's working. No soda. No eating out. Working out. I'm still in awe that I've stuck it out so far. And you know what? It's hard work. Every day, I have to convince myself to go to the gym and plan my meals ahead. BUT, I haven't felt this good in a long time. My attitude is so much better. My sleep schedule is incredibly better. My energy is practically out of the roof. I like how this feels.

So today, I am thankful for new beginnings. With them, I have a whole new approach and outlook on this blessed life the Lord has given me!


Nicki said...

Hooray for new beginings! I need a new begining...I have been saying the same things except mine have been, "I'll start on Monday but tonight I'm going to eat a cupcake!" I would love to support you however I can. I know I need your support too! This was just the kick in the pants I needed...I will formulate a plan and check in with you. But of course its not going to start until Tuesday cause I'm going to Valentine this weekend! I wish you were going to be there! I love you and miss you!

Anonymous said...

I was sexually, mentally, emotionally and verbally abused by my grandfather as far back as I can remember. He did many terrible things, some of which are too distasteful for me to talk about publicly...I want to share my testimony, because so many people have been hurt, and they need to realize that someone has made it through their struggles so they can have hope. More than anything, I want you to know and really understand that anyone who has been abused can fully recover if they will give their life completely to the Lord...It may seem impossible, but God's truth has set me free from a life of pretense and lies and has restored my soul. I am living proof that nothing is too hard for God. No matter what you've been through or how bad you hurt, there is hope!

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