What are Your Sins?
Lack of love?
Failure to pray?
Littleness of faith?
Littleness of joy?
A failure to open our mouths to confess our Savior when God gave us the opportunity?
A failure to use the gifts God has given us to spread His Word?
A despising of others?
An unwillingness to forgive those who have sinned against us?
A tendency to trust in ourselves rather than in our God?
A lack of confidence in the power of God’s Word?
A lack of appreciation for the Means of Grace?
A weariness in repeating the same old truths because of an apparent lack of fruits?
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Last night, in our Bible Class we were talking about the need to take a good look at ourselves to see how we have failed. Pastor threw up the list of questions above. As we took turns reading each one, I just keep thinking, "Yep." "Yes." "All the time." "Way too often." It hurt. It was pressing to the heart, yet after each one I smiled because even though I fail and fail often, He never did. Not once. And even though it hurts to look at myself and see how many times I have failed Him, I am confident in His Life, His Death, and His Grace. I AM FORGIVEN AND SET FREE!

Love, Love, LOVE, this post! What a great reminder!
Oh, Jenn, I can relate to this on so many levels! Isn't God's grace amazing?
Hi, Jenn! I stopped over from Jill's blog. As I was reading this post, I was thinking yes to every question, too. It's kind of discouraging to fail so often, but it makes the work Christ did for us mean that much more. Beautiful post!
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