Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thankful November: Day 18

I'm thankful for...Immanuel.
(Ingram - one of the original buildings on campus and the original faculty of Immanuel)

As a child, I knew from little on that I would one day graduate from 8th grade at Grace in Valentine and start my high school career 500 miles away in Eau Claire, WI on the campus of Immanuel. I grew waiting for that day. Not because I wanted to get away from Valentine or my family, but because I had grown up hearing all the great things about Immanuel. Things like the great friends you make, the ability to have your classes centered around God's Word, the chance to grow and learn from your mistakes.

I won't sugar coat it and tell you everything was great about my time at Immanuel. There were days when I couldn't wait to graduate and get away. Days when all I wanted was a home cooked meal or a hug from my parents. However, looking back 12 years later (ugh! I'm old!) I don't for one second regret my time at Immanuel. In fact, I am SO thankful for that time.

The 8 years I spent at Immanuel for High School and College are the years in my life that have helped to shape the woman I am today. Immanuel taught me how to be myself, how to make friends, how to live and work with others. But most importantly, it taught me to make sure Christ is always at the center of my life.

I am so thankful that my parents knew how important it was that I attend Immanuel and that they sacrificed being with me during my high school years so that I could be there. I could keep going on, but this video does a good job, so I'll just let it speak for me!

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