This was also my very first job. I started the fall of my 6th grade year and I was SOOOO excited. My best friend was working there as were both of her older sisters and I was ready to be added to the list of carhops. Steph and I loved working together and we worked a lot of days after school because our school let out just a wee bit sooner than the public school, and not going to lie Carol (our boss) loved us! I can still remember Steph and I spending our day at school scheming what crazy meal we were going to put together for our Work Order that night. Great times! Eventually, we moved inside and did the cooking, and then I soon found myself in the position of a Closing Manager. The best part is that I still work here when they need help (how crazy is that??) and I pretty much consider Carol (boss) family. I always make a point to stop in and visit!
LOVED this job. It was crazy. It was funny. It was full of crazy kids, but it was worth every second. I started in the Baby Room, which was beyond words amazing. I fell so hard in love for those kids and was always sad to see them move to the 1 year old room, yet it was fun to see how independent they had become. Eventually, I moved into the 3-4 year old room and spent my summers planning an awesome day for those kiddos.
3. SPED Paraprofessional - Valentine Middle School
In between my Sophomore and Junior years of college, I decided to take a year off. I wanted to move back home to try and figure out a lot of things in my life. Things like whether or not I could live in Valentine for the rest of my life (although, I did go back to school in WI, I did learn that I could do it and would love it) and if I wanted to teach in public school or Christian Day School (CDS). Upon moving home, I quickly landed a job as a Special Education Para in the Middle School. This job challenged me in SO many ways. I was cleaning up poop from 6th graders, I was shoved into a locker by a student, I was almost taken out by a student throwing a baseball at me. It. Was. Crazy. But through it all I learned how much I loved those students. The ones who challenged me every day. The ones who made me have to live life on my toes and to be ready for whatever crazy thing they were going to throw at me next.
Not only did I learn so much about myself that year, I also met some amazing people. When you grow up in a small community like Valentine, you "know" everyone. I can walk down the street and tell you if that person lives in Valentine or is someone visiting, but that year I got to really know and fall in love with the people in Valentine. Some of my greatest mentors were the teachers I worked beside every day. So blessed!
That year also taught me that I wanted to be CDS teacher. Not because public school stinks, (I'm a true fan of public school -- it's all about what works for your family!) but because I couldn't imagine having to teach students without being able to talk about God and faith. It is the most important thing in my life, and I couldn't imagine not being able to share it. SO...I moved back to WI and re-enrolled in the Teaching Program at Immanuel. The End. (Whew...)
4. Claims Mentor - UnitedHealth Group
Oh boy. I had a love-hate relationship with this job. I started out as a claims processor and it was BORING. So incredibly boring! BUT it was 20 hours a week from 4-9, M-Th. Seriously, could a student find a better schedule? I had my weekends free and I never had to worry about my class/work schedule getting messed up. HOWEVER my job meant I sat at a computer for 5 hours every night pushing the same buttons over and over and over. Eventually, my supervisor started giving me special projects and then I started to like the job. Soon those projects led to my supervisor suggesting I apply for the mentor job and then I loved my job. I was teaching people, I was working on special projects, I was troubleshooting....I was in love! I eventually graduated and moved into a full-time position and the big projects just kept coming. I was one of two mentors chosen to do a meet and greet demo for the President of the Company. WHAT?!? However, just as I was getting ready to start interviewing for a new job (Claims Process Planner--the one I was working towards), I found out I had the call to teach at a little school in Middleton. Best Day Ever!
5. Video Associate?? - Family Video
(I'm not really sure what my title is -- the part-time peon) I'm actually employed here currently. It's part-time and it's pretty fun. I am still amazed about how much you actually do have to and know to work at a video rental store, but I love that it's a job where I can shut off my brain and just do it. It's a mind-free job and I love that about it.
Well...this was much longer than I ever anticipated. Thanks for staying and making it through! Remember to check out Kat's Friday Five's at Living Like the Kings!
YAY! I love FF! You've had some incredible and life changing jobs! Mine seem so....childish LOL and I so agree with the Video story. The free rentals are the BEST!
what a vast amount of jobs awesome come see my answers at http://shopannies.blogspot.com
I truly admire your positive attitude through challenging situations, Jen! Also glad you ended up where you did. I wish my kids could have someone like you for their teacher. Have a great summer!
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