Every year there is one summer event that I truly look foward to. The Arise and Shine/20s and 30s Retreat. This is weekend, although hot, humid, and sticky, is such a blast of much needed refreshment and refocus.
Sadly...this year I had to miss out. With all of the moving and planning for the new school year, I thought it was still going to work out just fine. Until low and behold, I had a training that I had to be at for school, PLUS it was VBS this week at our church. I just couldn't justify leaving to go and then missing these things. It was tough. A tough decision, even on Thursday morning I was still thinking about just packing up and going, and it was super tough to be here in Wisconsin (where it also was very hot, humid, and sticky) knowing what I was missing down there.
Instead of St. Louis, I traveled over to my grandparent's house for the weekend. I had a great time hanging out with them, but am still sad I missed out. The perils of growing up!
In conclusion, the theme was "Be Ready..." based on the passage from 1 Peter 3:15. From the reports back it was a great weekend and lots of great speakers once again.
have I mentioned lately that I love you and miss you...?
Hi Jenn- Glad to see you back in blog land! =) I hope everything is going well in Madison!
Yay, you're blogging again! If you're interested, I have started a group Bible study blog. You're more than welcome to join. Check it out at http://rustprooftreasures.blogspot.com
I'm looking forward to hearing more of your teaching and life adventures. Wish you could have been there this weekend, but for some reason God had you stay. It might be so you can "Be Ready" for the school year! Sorry for the horrible play on words! Love you!
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